Saturday, July 6, 2024



What does IAS mean?

International Accounting Standards (IAS) are a set of rules for financial statements that were replaced in 2001 by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and have subsequently been adopted by most major financial markets around the world.

What is the IAS used for?

The international accounting standards are a set of practices established by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These practices are designed to make it simpler for businesses around the world to compare financial reporting and data.


Generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, are standards that encompass the details, complexities, and legalities of business and corporate accounting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) uses GAAP as the foundation for its comprehensive set of approved accounting methods and practices.

What are the US GAAP standards?

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP or U.S. GAAP or GAAP (USA), pronounced like "gap") is the accounting standard adopted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is the default accounting standard used by companies based in the United States.

Difference between IFRS and US-GAAP

Is it US- GAAP or IAS?

US-GAAP stands for generally accepted accounting principles, which are the generally accepted standards for financial reporting in the United States. IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards, which are a set of internationally accepted accounting standards used by most of the world's countries.

What is IFRS? IFRS stands for international financial reporting standards. It's a set of accounting rules and standards that determine how accounting events should be reported in your business's financial statements.

What are the four principles of IFRS?

IFRS insists on four key principles for preparing financial statements: clarity, relevance, reliability, and comparability. Clarity means making financial statements easy to read and understand.

The objectives of the IFRS Foundation are: to develop, in the public interest, a single set of high quality, understandable, enforceable and globally accepted financial reporting standards based upon clearly articulated principles.

About the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

The IASB is an independent group of experts with an appropriate mix of recent practical experience in setting accounting standards, in preparing, auditing, or using financial reports, and in accounting education. Broad geographical diversity is also required. The IFRS Foundation Constitution outlines the full criteria for the composition of the IASB, and the geographical allocation can be seen on the individual profiles.

IASB members are responsible for the development and publication of IFRS Accounting Standards, including the IFRS for SMEs Accounting Standard. The IASB is also responsible for approving Interpretations of IFRS Accounting Standards as developed by the IFRS Interpretations Committee (formerly IFRIC).

Members are appointed by the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation through an open and rigorous process that includes advertising vacancies and consulting relevant organisations.

IASB - The International Accounting Standards Board

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is an independent, private-sector body that develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The IASB operates under the oversight of the IFRS Foundation. The IASB was formed in 2001 to replace the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). A full history of the IASB and the

IASC going back to 1973 is available on the IASB website. Under the IFRS Foundation Constitution, the IASB has complete responsibility for all technical matters of the IFRS Foundation including full discretion in developing and pursuing its technical agenda, subject to certain consultation requirements with the Trustees and the public the preparation and issuing of IFRSs (other than Interpretations) and exposure drafts, following the due process stipulated in the Constitution the approval and issuing of Interpretations developed by the IFRS Interpretations Committee.

What is FASB and what is its purpose?

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is an independent nonprofit organization responsible for establishing accounting and financial reporting standards for companies and nonprofit organizations in the United States, following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

What is the difference between the FASB and the IASB?

The main difference between the IASB and the FASB is that the International Accounting Standards Board The IASB is responsible for the creation of International Financial Reporting Standards, whereas the FASB seeks to develop generally accepting accounting principles.

Basically, the IASB is more focused on the financial reporting side of things, whereas the FASB remains most concerned about transparency accounting practices. In addition to this, the IASB is headquartered in London and operates in the U.K., whereas the FASB is based in the U.S. However, both the IASB and the FASB seek to promote these financial reporting and accounting standards on a worldwide level to promote the importance of global transparency.

The IASB is much newer than the FASB, with the International Accounting Standards Board having been proposed in early 2001 and the Financial Accounting Standards Board coming into fruition in 1973. 

What are the goals of IPSAS?

IPSAS has been developed to enhance the quality, consistency, and transparency of public sector financial reporting worldwide.

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) works to improve public sector financial reporting worldwide through the development of IPSAS®, international accrual-based accounting standards, for use by governments and other public sector entities around the world.

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) works to improve public sector financial reporting worldwide through the development of IPSAS®, international accrual-based accounting standards, for use by governments and other public sector entities around the world.

Ref.: Various website

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IFRS, IASB , IAS, IPSAS, FASB, GAAP - Abbreviation

  IFRS = International Financial Reporting Standard IASB = International Accounting Standard Board IAS     = International Accounting St...